

Diseño Gráfico

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

World’s Relays

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

Badalona Diseño

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

Lactica Sweet Break

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

Spacing it Easier

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

Automated Machine

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

Bright Captive

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t just…

juin 3, 2020

Diseño Gráfico

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
juin 3, 2020

World’s Relays

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
juin 3, 2020

Badalona Diseño

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
juin 3, 2020

Lactica Sweet Break

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
juin 3, 2020

Spacing it Easier

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
juin 3, 2020

Automated Machine

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
juin 3, 2019

Bright Captive

A global brand entrusted us with a unique challenge: crafting an internal tool to share its brand story with every employee, from sales to product development. This wasn’t…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

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